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Home2020 ABVT Service Award Winner
Dr. Jay Albretsen

Jay Albretsen, DVM, PhD, DABT, DABVT

Dr. Jay Albretsen Selected as 2020 ABVT Service Award Recipient


The ABVT periodically recognizes diplomates within the organization who make an outstanding contribution to the art and science of veterinary toxicology and/or to the ABVT organization itself.

Dr. Albretsen has been a Diplomate of ABVT for over 20 years. He has served on the Examination Committee and as Candidate Coordinator for well over 10 years. As such, Jay has been an effective and dedicated stalwart and a contact touchstone for many applicants who have become Diplomates of ABVT. He has been accessible to help guide individuals through the application process and has maintained all records associated with each candidate’s application and progress towards certification as an ABVT diplomate. He has also assisted the ABVT Examination Committee during the exam process and routinely provided valuable guidance to that committee on the day of the exam. Dr Albretsen has been critical to the success of the ABVT and is well deserving of this recognition.